Responses of root activity and leaf photosynthesis to soil compactness stress were studied in cucumber plants grown in pots. 结果表明:当土壤紧实度增大时,黄瓜根系重量减小,活力下降。
Characteristics of gas exchange in sweet potato leaf under different soil water content and fertilization 土壤水分和施肥水平对甘薯叶片气体交换的影响
Concern the Establishing of Standard System with Major Chemical Composition in Flue-cured Tobacco Leaf and Soil Nutrient& A Case Study of Tobacco Region of Hunan Province 烤烟主要化学成分与环境土壤养分对标准体系制定的影响&以湖南烟区为例
Establishment of Leaf Nutrition, Soil Fertility and Output Models in Phyllostachys pubescens 毛竹叶片营养与土壤肥力及产量模型的建立
Distribution and Relationship of Nitrogen Content in Flue-cured Tobacco Leaf and Soil in Sanmenxia Tobacco Districts 三门峡烟区烤烟总氮与土壤氮素含量的分布特点及关系分析
This paper studies the growth of Coprinus comatus in maize straw and rotten leaf soil. 本试验以玉米秸杆为主料混合腐叶土对鸡腿菇的生长发育进行研究。
Research on Hyperspectral Information Parameters of Chlorophyll Content of Rice Leaf in Cd-Polluted Soil Environment 土壤镉污染环境下水稻叶片叶绿素含量监测的高光谱遥感信息参数
Canonical correlation analyses of sub-suitable mineral elements and chemical composition of flue-cured tobacco leaf with soil ecosystem index in Nanyang 南阳烤烟矿质元素及化学成分次适宜因子与土壤生态因子的典型相关分析
Correlations of Leaf, Soil and Juice Analyses Used for Citrus Nutrition Diagnosis 叶分析、土壤分析和果汁分析用于柑桔营养诊断的相关性研究
The qualities of10 trace elements in tealeaf, tea plant leaf and soil in Meijiawu were determined by AAS. 采用原子吸收方法对梅家坞茶叶,茶树叶以及其生长的土壤中的10中微量元素进行了测量。
The interactive effectiveness between rice leaf age during transplanting and plant density on weed control was better than that between the leaf age and soil surface water depth and its retaining days. 移栽时叶龄与栽插密度互作有利于提高华抗草78对杂草的防效,并明显高于移栽时叶龄分别与水层深度和保水时间互作效应。
Response of Leaf and Root Membrane Permeability and Leaf Water to Soil Drought in Maize 玉米根、叶质膜透性和叶片水分对土壤干旱胁迫的反应
It is feasible to cultivate Coprinus comatus by adding limited content of rotten leaf soil to the maize straw media and has influence on its growth. 玉米秸杆培养料中混适量的腐叶土栽培鸡腿菇是可行的,并且对鸡腿菇的生长发育有一定影响。
The satisfactory results have been obtained in the application of the method to determine ETU residue in watermelon, watermelon leaf and soil. 应用本方法测定西瓜、瓜叶和瓜田土壤的ETU残留量,取得了满意的结果。
Determination of trace elements in tealeaf, tea plant leaf and soil by AAS 原子吸收法测量茶叶、茶树叶和土壤中微量元素
Response to light of water utilization efficiency of walnut leaf in different soil moisture in loess hilly region 黄土丘陵区不同土壤水分下核桃叶片水分利用效率的光响应
The Effect of Nitrogen Regulators on Tobacco Leaf and Soil Available Nitrogen 氮素调理剂对烟叶质量及土壤速效氮的影响
Study on Determination Method of ETU Residue in Watermelon, Watermelon Leaf and Soil by HPLC 西瓜、瓜叶及瓜田土壤中乙撑硫脲残留量的液相色谱分析方法研究
T2 promoted the reducing of total N content in Cinnamon soil and Shajiang black soil, and reduced the soluble sugar content in the tobacco leaf in Alluvial soil. T2 improved the K content in the tobacco leaf in Shajiang black soil and Alluvial soil. 粒饱丰处理(T2)促进褐土和砂姜黑土烟叶中总N含量的降低,降低潮土烟叶中可溶性糖的含量,提高砂姜黑土与潮土烟叶中K的含量。
The results showed that the pH of C. lanceolata leaf sap and soil decreased as the acidity of rainfall increased. 实验结果表明,杉木针叶汁液pH值和土壤pH值随模拟酸雨pH值下降而降低,土壤比叶汁液更容易被酸化,也更难恢复。
The diurnal variation of stomatal resistance of crops in dry season was observed and its relation to transpiration rate and water potentials of crop leaf and soil in different farming systems was also studied. 本文研究了不同耕作制度下作物气孔阻力日变化及其与蒸腾速率、土壤基质势、作物叶水势的关系,并分析了水流阻力的分布及其日变化规律。
This paper studies the application of leaf analysis and soil nutrient diagnosis to having adequate fertilization in orchards. 在我区本文首次应用叶分析和土壤营养诊断技术指导果园施肥研究。
On the basis of a fertilizing trial with Satsuma ( Citrus unshiu Marc.), leaf, soil and juice analyses were compared to define the correlations among them and the effects of N, P, K and lime applications on the data of analyses. 在温州蜜柑施肥试验的基础上,对叶分析、土壤分析和果汁分析的数据进行了比较,以确定它们之间的相关性,以及氮、磷、钾、石灰不同施用量对上述分析数据的影响。
The mineral element content of top soil and leaves sampled from three soil types 'starking Delicious' apple orchards in Shandong were analysed. The nutrient diagnosis of apple leaf in different soil types orchard were investigated by DRIS. M-DRIS and DOP. 通过测定山东省三种土壤类型‘红星’苹果园耕层上和叶片的养分含量,运用DRIS、M&DRIS和DOP法对山东省红星苹果的营养状况进行了诊断。
The apple leaf and soil in orchard of Qin ′ an county of Gansu were investigated. 针对甘肃秦安县苹果叶缘焦枯发生严重的情况,对该地果园叶片和土壤进行了分析。
From simulation of the models we found that utilizing water of plant depended on leaf area and soil water condition in a year. And the utilizing water in a day depended on solar radiation, atmosphere temperature and humidity. 通过对拓展模型的分析求解发现,植物的年需水量主要取决于叶片面积和土壤的水分状况,日需水量主要取决于太阳辐射、大气温度和大气湿度。
The Sensitivity of Adaxial and Abaxial Stomatal Resistance in Wheat Leaf to Soil Water Stress 冬小麦近轴和远轴叶面气孔对土壤水分胁迫反应的敏感性
A determination method of ethylene thiourea ( ETU) residue in watermelon, watermelon leaf and soil by high performance liquid chromatography ( HPIC) has been established. 建立了一种采用高效液相色谱仪测定乙撑硫脲(ETU)在西瓜、瓜叶和瓜田土壤中残留量的分析方法。
Firstly, by the inversion of the canopy reflectance model SAIL ( Scattering by Arbitrarily Inclined Leaves) based on particle swarm optimizer, we obtain leaf reflectance, leaf transmittance and soil reflectance. 本文基于植被冠层光谱模型SAIL(ScatteringbyArbitrarilyInclinedLeaves),运用微粒群算法反演叶片反射率和透射率及土壤反射率。